
Forget Windows 9 and Windows Phone: Will it all be called just plain ‘Windows’? - martinquier1967

An interesting call into question is circulating online kicked polish off by Microsoft security guard Michael Gillett last Saturday: What will Microsoft name the following interpretation of Windows? I know, that doesn't sound very interesting since people ask this question every time a new adaptation of Windows is on the horizon. Besides, we already know the following version of the OS will be called Windows 9 (codenamed Threshold) just like we "knew" Windows 8 was the name for the follow-up to Windows 7.

But there mightiness be more thereto this time around. Could Microsoft be getting ready to dump all its various numbering and naming schemes and fair say that all of its products are running Windows?

Non Windows 8.1, Windows 9, Windows Call up, operating theatre Windows RT—scarcely "Windows." Gillett, who is based in the U.K., brought this prepared after noticing that a Lumia 930 commercial for the British market never mentions Windows Phone. The OS is referred to simply as "Windows" and uses that name to refer to Windows Phone, Windows 8.1, and Windows RT.

Equally The Verge recently angulate out, you don't experience to arrive to find more examples of Windows brands morphing into austere old Windows—at any rate happening the Windows Phone side. HTC's newly designed One (M8) for Microsoft's OS is simply titled the HTC Unrivaled for Windows, not Windows Phone.

Then again when you jaw, you get word Windows Speech sound branding everywhere happening the U.S. version of the land site.

Nevertheless, thither are interesting reasons for Microsoft to exactly address totally its individual in operation systems plain old Windows, regardless of twist. Firstly, Windows Threshold is widely likely to merge Windows Phone and Windows RT into one platform for smartphones and Subdivision-supported tablets.


In mid-2022, Microsoft kicked off its Windows Everywhere campaign, which also didn't shuffle mention of Windows Phone, RT, operating theater 8.1. Everything was only Windows. It was an graphic attempt, as Windows security guard Mary Jo Foley explained at the time, to blur the boundaries between device types. "One experience. On every device. For everything in your life," went the military campaign's tag line.

More recently in July, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said Windows would converge and be "one OS that covers altogether screen sizes," perhaps suggesting again that the naming convention for Windows may be consolidating, and not, as both took it to mean, that Microsoft would produce one OS to run all over careless of screen size of it or C.P.U. computer architecture.

Ultimately we won't know what Microsoft's branding plans are until more Windows Phone devices start minus the "ring" part. We may also see hints of the coming when Microsoft reveals Threshold/Windows 9; Microsoft is expected to launching a populace preview of the new Osmium before the goal of September.


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